My darkest bubble is a second home

Sometimes is the life not really with you... Today, I had a conversation with my mother, which proved that she was not listening at all. Then my father came and yelled at me about my dentist.
And after having worked and came home late... I decided to cut the grass..just to be kind.
I got no thanks. Just a scolding about how useless I am.
The tears I have shed today are just shadows of the old ones...
In my whole life have I been told that I'm bad in many things. Some people have beaten me until I understood it.
So therefore I have very difficult to believe anything good about myself...
When I go into my dark bubble collapses all my interior.
I can not control myself, just get depressed and let my anger and my hatred of myself will then come out over others. Therefore, I prefer silence.
Talking is silver. Silence is gold.

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Taggar: Silver, Sweden, artist, foto, fotograf, modell, photographer, sverige